When the milk teeth begin to appear, regular visits to the pediatrician and dentist are recommended, and during the tooth replacement, fundamental. These visits should be maintained throughout childhood and adolescence.
Taking your children to the orthodontist is as important as going to the eye doctor or pediatrician. As parents, we are always looking for vaccinations, to see if they need glasses ...
And now, we must take into account braces.
Performing constant visits since the age of 3 is fundamental
At that age the jaws are still forming so, if necessary, it would be much easier to correct possible problems. The treatment would be like continuing the normal growth of the child. The first review is very important for all children, even those who apparently have a healthy mouth. Orthodontic problems are not always linked to the aesthetic alteration, detected by the parents. The functional alteration and other problems, which can condition the health of ourchildren, can only be diagnosed by the orthodontist. Going to the orthodontist is a recommendation of the main scientific societies of Orthodontics: the American Association of Orthodontists ( and the SEDO (Spanish Society of Orthodontics).
You can contact us to ask us any questions.