On many occasions we find that our patients come to the consultation for the partial loss of any tooth, either by fractures or decay.
At DOA Dental Clinic we work with restorations on teeth (onlay), away from traditional conservative dentistry. In fact we rely on the new digital technologies, with the scanned mouth and working with CAD / CAM systems we can rehabilitate the pieces destroyed in a single appointment and keeping most of the remaining tooth.
Less invasive, faster, comfortable and efficient interventions.
Always at the forefront of technology, at DOA Dental Clinic, we have the CEREC CAD / CAM system.
It is the most advanced system in the world, which allows us a totally new experience for the patient: a great step towards dentistry of the future.
The CEREC solution is summarized in 4 simple steps performed on site and in a single session.
1. Digital scanning A 3D optical scanner, in a few seconds, is able to accurately copy the anatomy of all your teeth leaving the shape of molds as a thing of the past.
2. Design of the prosthesis Through state-of-the-art software, the patient witnesses the design of his prosthesis (crown on tooth or implant, esthetic cage or incrustation.) The patient will be able to know directly how his prosthesis will be.
3. Carving of the prosthesis A high-precision 3D shaper manufactures the prosthesis on the chosen material, in a process visible to the patient in less than 10 minutes.
4. Implementation / placement Once the process is finished, the patient can see how the fit, the bite and the aesthetics are simply perfect, to the exact extent. This will allow you to complete your treatment, in a high percentage, ina single appointment with the result of maximum adaptation and aesthetics.
You can contact us to ask us any questions.