Dr. Nicolás Gutiérrez
El Dr. es reconocido por ser de los pioneros en el sector español. Él y su equipo están en permanente formación, son profesores y colaboran como docentes en cursos a profesionales y universidades.
- Simposio internacional de Cerámica de California.
- Congreso internacional de CEREC de Barcelona.
- Ponente en Taller práctico de CEREC. Consejo Nacional de Dentistas Dic 2013.
- Ponente en Cerec live course en Idealdental. 0ctubre 2013
- October 3-6, 2012 Washington DC. 61st American Academy of Implant Dentistry Annual Meeting.18,5 Hrs
- June 29-30,2012 Madrid,Spain. 1st INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ESTHETIC,RESTORATIVE and IMPLANT DENTISTRY. Quintessence publishing- advanced esthetic seminars. 15 Hrs.
- June 14-16,2012 Barcelona Spain. Plastic Surgery in the aesthetic Zone. Dr Giovanni Zucchelli.Clinica Aparicio Formacion Continuada.22Hrs
- March 15, 2012 Hamburg,Germany. Hands-on workshop “Soft Tissue Managment”
- Dr.Wolfram Hahn and Dr. Stephan Klotz- Pre-congress of the 15th DENTSPLY friadent World Symposium 2012. 4Hrs.
- March 16-17, 2012. Hamburg,Germany.15th DENTSPLY friadent World Symposium 2012 “ Mastering Tissue response Successfully”. 16 Hrs.
- Ponente en Dentsply Implants. Training and Education. Curso de Implantologia Avanzada: Mas Allá de un Tornillo. Tenerife 23-24 Noviembre 2012.” CAD/CAM: Mitos y Realidades en la Practica Diaria”.
- Ponenete en la Universidad Autónoma de Manizales,Colombia. Introducción al CAD/CAM en Prótesis sobre implantes. Agosto 2012.
- Ponente en Simposio Dentsply-Friadent,Madrid, 20-21 de Mayo 2011.Tecnología CAD/CAM:Ciencia,Sentido común y experiencia.
- SEPES Work-shop : Nuevas Tecnologías en Prótesis e Implantes. Madrid ,Septiembre 22, 2011.
- Introducción al Mundo del CAD/CAM. Madrid Henrry Schein,Septiembre 30, 2011.
- October 12 to 15, 2011 Athens. 20th EAO Annual scientific Meeting “treatment planning in implant dentistry”.EAO. 22 Hrs.
- September 17th 2011. Bensheim,Germany. International CEREC lecturer meeting 2011. Sirona Dental Academy CEREC SW 4.0/CEREC Connect SW 4.0. CAD/ CAM. 8 Hrs. Página
- October 12 to 15, 2011 Athens. 20th EAO Annual scientific Meeting “treatment planning in implant dentistry”.EAO. 22 Hrs.
- September 17th 2011. Bensheim,Germany. International CEREC lecturer meeting 2011. Sirona Dental Academy CEREC SW 4.0/CEREC Connect SW 4.0. CAD/ CAM. 8 Hrs. Página 2
- June 9-11,2011 San Diego,CA. The 23th International Symposium on Ceramics presented by Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc. 21,75 Hrs.
- Febrero 5, 2011,Madrid , Spain. Symposium “ Dental Laboratory on the XXI century” Nobel Biocare- Dr.Stefan Holst , DT. Joao Carlos Roque. 8 Hrs.
- October 6-9, 2010 Glasgow. 19th EAO Annual Scientific Meeting ”Clinical Controversies in Implant Dentistry”.EAO. 22 Hrs.
- June 16 – 18, 2010, Olsberg,Germany. Augmentation procedures part IV: Implantation, Bone Augmentation,Soft Tissue Management and Prosthodontic Restauration in the daily office. 20 Hrs. Dr. Fouad Khoury – Dr. Pierre Keller.
- March 19-20, 2010 Barcelona, Spain.14th DENTSPLY Friadent World Symposium ”Focusing on your Practice Success”. 12 Hrs.
- September 30 – October 3, 2009 Monaco. 18th EAO Annuel Scientific Meeting “Guidelines for the Practitioner”. EAO. 22 Hrs.
- August 24- 27, 2009.Foster City, CA. Currents Concepts in Bone Grafting And Accelerated Implant Treatment: Advanced Surgical Procedures With Mandibular Autogenous Bone And Soft Tissue Management”. 32 Hrs. Dr. Fouad Khoury and Dr. Charles Khoury.
- August 5 – 8,2009, Foster City, CA. IDEA ”Predictable Aesthetics and Longevity With Bonded Porcelain Restorations:The Ultimate Program for Dentists and Dental Technicians”. 32 Hrs. Dr. Pascal Magne and Michel Magne MDT.
- April 24 – 25 , 2009, Madrid, Symposium Dentsply Friadent 2009, “Implants For Life”. 14Hrs
- September 18 – 20, 2008, Warsaw. 18th EAO Annual Scientific Meeting “ Clinical Advances and Predictability with oral Implants. 22 Hrs.
- June 6 – 8, 2008. LA, CA. 22th International Symposium on Ceramics. 23 Hrs. -May 29 – 30, 2008. DENTSPLY Friadent, at University Frankfurt am Main Germany at Kelsterbach, Germany. Concept, Indication an Handling of the ANKYLOS Implant System.. Dr. Paul Weigl and Dr. Pablo Hess. 14 Hrs
- October 25- 27,2007, Barcelona. 16th EAO Annual Scientific Meeting “ Contemporary Oral Implant Practice”. 22 Hrs.
- June 29 – 30 and July 1st, 2006, Madrid.” EUROPERIO – 5”. 20 Hrs. Página 3
- April 24, 2004, Madrid. SEPES “Imediate Loading and Aesthetics Alternatives on Anterior Zone”. 8 Hrs. Dr. David A Garber.
- October 18, 2003, Madrid. DENTSPLY Friadent “ Presentation of XIVE Implant System”. 8 Hrs. Dr. Fouad Khoury and Dra. Ricarda Jansen.
- April 19 – 20, 2002, Madrid. NOBEL BIOCARE “ GBR and GTR “ . G-S-P.14 Hrs. Dr. Carlo Tinti.
- January 18 – 19, 2002. 1st Iberian Symposium of 3i, “Imediate Loading and Aesthetics in the daily office “. 14 Hrs.
- April 8, 2000, Madrid. Quintessence “ Clinical decisions on Prosthodontics and Periodontics “. 8 Hrs. Dr. Myron Nevins, Dr. Daniel Buser, Dr. David A.Garber, Dr. Lloyd Miller.
- Pamplona 12-13 Noviembre de 1999. Dr Charles Cox y Dr Bart Van Meerbeek. Estado actual de la odontología Adhesiva.
- April 17, 1999, Madrid. SEPES “ One Day Continuing Education in Prosthodontics “. Dr. Fritz Koop. 8 Hrs.
- Agosto 6 al 9 de 1997. Bogota. XII Congreso Nacional Javeriano. 24 Hrs -July 19 – 21, 1996, Orlando, Florida. 15th International Symposium on Ceramics. 16 Hrs.
- May 11 – 12,1996, Bogota. University El Bosque “Biological Aspects of Prosthodontics in the New Millennium “. Dr. Cornelis H.Pameijer. 14 Hrs. -March 4-5, 1994, Bogota. ACEO “ Looking for Perfection “. Dr. Harold M.Shavell. 14 Hrs.
- October 8-9,1993,Bogota.ACEO “Modern concepts in Esthetic Dentistry”. Dr Ronald E. Goldstein. 14 Hrs
- October 22- 23-24, 1992, Bogota. ACEO “The Aesthetic Zone”.. Dr. Cary E.Goldstein. 20 Hrs
- Mayo 1-4,1991. IX Congreso Nacional Javeriano.Santa Marta,Colombia. 24 Hrs
Para mas información consulta Dr. Nicolás Gutiérrez Robledo